Talking to over 2,500 psychotherapists and wellness professionals (none of whom are where they want to be in practice, or they wouldn’t be reaching out for help) reveals a LOT of patterns throughout the industry.
Something I’ve heard several times is the “I’m working for a group but I don’t receive enough referrals” problem.
Which begs the question – why are you working for a group if you’re not receiving enough referrals?
There can be many valid reasons to join (and stay at) a group:
1. Referrals
2. Office space
3. The group handles billing
4. A sense of community with your fellow practitioners
The disadvantage, of course, is normally that you give away 30-50% of your income (depending on the arrangement). Common payment arrangements include 70/30, 60/40, so on.
Thus, the important question becomes this:
If you could get your own referrals and knew how to quickly and properly grow your own caseload, would you stay at your group?
If the answer to that is no, then you may want to reconsider your position.
Furthermore, if your group isn’t even providing you referrals, I want you to take a moment and really think about why you remain at the group in question.
Be totally honest with yourself.
The camaraderie rationale (“I don’t like to work alone”) is something I hear used from time to time when I ask this question, but experience teaches me this answer isn’t necessarily the truth – it’s often masking fear around the real issue, which is “I’m scared to be on my own for numerous reasons, up to and including acquiring referrals, since I at least get some from the group.”
If you have a great arrangement with your group, that’s fantastic.
But if you are still struggling with a half-full caseload, AND giving away 30% (or more) of your income on top of that… you may want to reconsider your direction.
If you’d like to make the jump and go out on your own with a full caseload, book a call with our team so we can show you how it’s done.